Our committee gather over the course of the year, as well as working away behind the scenes, on things such as fundraising, aiding in decision making and supporting our staff and volunteers. 

Who We Are

Our committee is made up of  a selection of parents, grandparents, professionals and interested parties, all whom share a passion for helping families who have been touched by disability.  

We have an MBE with 39 years working for HMRC, supporting the Princes Trust and being a school governor for over 17 years and also a son with ASD.

We also have a grandmother who is a full time carer for a grandson with a disability and has 4 children, two with disabilities and has worked in the care sector for years in a variety of different rolls including managerial positions.

The rest of the trustees are all parents of children with disabilities so have many years’ experience between them.

We asked a few of our Trustees why they wanted to be part of the committee for B.I.D.S this is what they had to say;

"I have a son with SEN, he has had needs from birth. I joined B.I.D.S committee to help support the charity to continue to provide the essential support and services for families in Bradford.  My background is in Social Care and Benefits and I am also a Parent Governor at at Special Needs School in the local district as the Safeguarding Governor. " - Katrina

"I am mum to two girls ages 8 & 9. My eldest daughter was diagnosed at the age of 5 with dyspraxia, hypermobility, short term memory loss and language processing difficulties and is now awaiting autism assessment also. When I first popped into B.I.D.S i signed up and they loaned us some toys.  We the started doing some summer activities and met some lovely families. We have recently joined Friday Friends and attend Kidzone.  Michelle and Emma have always given our family support and a listening ear. I wanted to join the committee to give something back to this amazing charity." - Amanda

"I wanted to be part of the committee as I want everyone to know they can come to me and I will help with what I can. I also want people to feel they can talk and ask for help if needed or to help them have more understanding of things and get the

right support." - Carol

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